Worried about your home security?Worried about your home security?

About Me

Worried about your home security?

I'm very passionate about home security systems. I believe that prevention is better than a cure, so over the years I've learned a great deal about how to keep potential intruders out of my home--both physically, with high-security doors and windows, and psychologically, with deterrents and markers that indicate my home is simply not worth the effort. To help you do the same, I've started a blog to discuss low-cost ways of protecting your home that are effective and entirely within the bounds of reasonableness. I'll also be explaining how these measures don't have to be unsightly; you'll find no ugly chain-link fences here!

Options You can Include in a Home Security System

When installing security measures for your home, you can choose a simple setup of a few cameras or take a comprehensive approach that includes alarms, lights, and door and window sensors. A security system installation expert can advise on the possibilities, but here are some things you could include. Lighting Lighting is a straightforward way to make your home unappealing to burglars who want to be able to hide in the dark. Read More